Sunday, April 26, 2009

BBB Baby!

You know you're old when you'd rather shop for kitchen stuff instead of clothes- that's me.

I know this is my jewelry blog, but there is more to this gal... much more. Do you like Bed Bath and Beyond? I am obsessed with that place and seriously go whenever I can. I save my 20% off coupons in a safe place and guard them with my life. Here is some stuff that I have my eyes on.

Gorgeous, right? I love to chop, blend, mince-  you name it, I will do it for the sake of cooking. I enjoy making new dishes... it's therapeutic for me. That's why I'm totally diggin' this Cuisinart hand blender and Global knives. Great quality with a sleek look. I have a wish list I like to keep and this is definitely on it. I lOVE that lamp, as well. So chic :) My birthday is coming up and I'm sure hoping... haha! They're pricey, so I'm planning on buying them myself. A girl's gotta spoil herself every now and then.

I guess since I'm a newlywed with no kids, this cooking stuff is fun, I'm hoping I keep the enthusiasm for it in the future bc the hubs sure seems to like my food. yay for the non-picky!

There's a lot more on my list, but this is the (much) shortened version. *sigh. 


ck said...

awww yay, now i have someone else to stalk! i'm glad you have a blog and glad it's going to be about your designs AND your life since i hardly see ya.
i love that lamp by the way. they have one at restoration but prob like quadruple the cost!!!!

skinnyfat said...

grackers!!! found you through lila's mommy!!! now i can stalk you too. please update frequently so i can be entertained and updated on your life. :-) miss you much!!!